HR System & Welfare Benefits

YOUNGPOONG MECHANICAL Co., Ltd. always complies with its performance-based reward principle.

Welfare Benefits

Monthly base salary + bi-monthly bonus (equal amount is paid in the following months: February, April, Jun, August, October and December) + yearly and monthly allowance
(Administrative position: annual salary)
(Production position: hourly pay)

Reward system

- Quarterly : Excellent employees are to be awarded on a quarterly basis (the most outstanding employee is to be selected and awarded at the end of each year)

Long service reward system

Periodic medical check-up : All employees are allowed to undergo periodic medical check-up (once a year for production position and once every two years for administrative position)

Work group insurance : Health insurance, medical insurance, employment insurance and industrial accident insurance

Expenditure for congratulations and condolences : Financial support for expenditure for congratulations and condolences

Various convenience facilities & club activities

Convenience facilities : In-house restaurant, lounge, exhibition halls and shower room

In-company club activities : Football & Alpine club

Retirement under the age limit

Appreciation plaque and reward payment

  • 인사원칙

    Welfare Benefits

    Monthly base salary + bi-monthly bonus (equal amount is paid in the following months: February, April, Jun, August, October and December) + yearly and monthly allowance
    (Administrative position : annual salary)
    (Production position : hourly pay)

  • 평가

    Reward system

    Quarterly: Excellent employees are to be awarded on a quarterly basis (the most outstanding employee is to be selected and awarded at the end of each year)

  • 평가

    Long service reward system

    Periodic medical check-up : All employees are allowed to undergo periodic medical check-up (once a year for production position and once every two years for administrative position)
    Work group insurance : Health insurance, medical insurance, employment insurance and industrial accident insurance
    Expenditure for congratulations and condolences : Financial support for expenditure for congratulations and condolences

  • 승진

    Various convenience facilities and club activities

    Convenience facilities : In-house restaurant, lounge, exhibition halls and shower room
    In-company club activities : Football and Alpine club

  • 승진

    Retirement under the age limit

    Appreciation plaque and reward payment